Book Now

The Book Now button below takes you to the booking page for all of our offered services! Scroll to find your page! 

Stay tuned for a Video Tour and more images of the Chapel, the Sets and Shoots! 

❥ The entire Chapel to yourself for the duration of your booking
❥ Use of our 3 Rolling Backdrops (double-sided
❥ Free Parking  
❥ Wifi (code provided the day before your ceremony)
❥ Sonos Speaker and control through Sonos App 
❥ 2 Bathrooms (both with private toilets) 

What's included in every Photo Set package:

Every Photo Set does not include a photographer and you must bring your own. We do provide you with our Preferred List after booking with some amazing recommendations.

❥ Coming Soon 

❥ "Bow" Down

Photo set Packages

After you have selected your Ceremony Set, secured your date & time by making your deposit - you will receive a proposal to customize your Ceremony Set! 

Some sets require you select an Altar and some do not. Those that do, will tell you so on their individual set pages. 

❥ 1-2 hours in That Chapel Downtown (dependent on Set) 
❥ An Officiant to preside over your ceremony and file your marriage license 
❥ Your choice of two songs from our selection played through the chapel's speaker as well as 90's Elevator Music to greet your guests 
❥ 1 Chapel Host the duration of your ceremony 
❥ House Lighting set to a predetermined plan per Set Vibe 
❥ Wifi (code provided the day before your ceremony)
❥ Sonos Speaker and control through Sonos App 
❥ up to 50 Clear Ghost Chairs (based on package booked)
❥ (2) Faux Marble High Boy Table 
❥ 2 Bathrooms (both with private toilets) 

What's included in every Ceremony Set package:

❥ 90's Traditional 

❥ Draped Elegance 

❥ Romantic 

❥ "Bow" Down  

Ceremony set Packages

If you would like to see the Chapel more dressed up for your ceremony, take a look at our Ceremony Sets! 

❥ 24 color changing lights (via the Wiz App) down lights
❥ 12 color changing (via the Wiz App) up lights 
❥ Wifi (code provided the day before your ceremony)
❥ Sonos Speaker and control through Sonos App 
❥ up to 50 Clear Ghost Chairs (based on package booked)
❥ (2) Faux Marble High Boy Table 
❥ 2 Bathrooms (both with private toilets) 

What's included in every chapel package:

Every Chapel package offers the opportunity to ADD ON to your package after securing your date & time by making your deposit. 

❥ Can't Hardly Wait (for 2 guests)  

❥ Gone in 30 Minutes (for 30 guests) 

❥ Don't Want to Miss a Thing (for up to 50 guests) 

❥ Clueless

Chapel Packages

❥ 24 color changing lights (via the Wiz App) down lights
❥ 12 color changing (via the Wiz App) up lights 
❥ Wifi (code provided the day before your booking)
❥ Sonos Speaker and control through Sonos App 
❥ 50 Clear Ghost Chairs 
❥ (2) 6x30 tables 
❥ (4) 60 inch round tables
❥ (2) 4x24 tables 
❥ (2) Faux Marble High Boy Table 
❥ 2 Bathrooms (both with private toilets)  

What's included when you book The Studio:

If you would like to have the space draped for your studio package, you can add that on after securing your date and time by making your deposit. 

❥ The Whole Nine Yards (full day rental) 

❥ Barenaked Lady (half day rental) 

❥ Half Baked (for creators only, non event) 

Studio Packages

That Chapel Downtown hosts intimate gatherings, receptions, showers and more! We can accommodate up to 70 guests for private events! 

Venue info

❥ Coming Soon!